Reach us

Your gateway to personalised banking assistance.


We’re here to help

Here’s how you can get in touch with us:

How long will it take?

We’re committed to resolving your service request as quickly as possible. In some cases, service requests may involve other banks and institutions and can take up to 15 working days or more. You can follow up with us at any time.

What’s next?

Once we have reviewed your request, we’ll call, email or SMS you explaining the outcome.

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If we can’t reach an agreement together?

We’re confident that our complaint resolution process is fair and robust, but if we’ve been unable to provide you with a satisfactory resolution, you have the right to refer your complaint to Sanadak.

Sanadak is the first legally established independent Ombudsman Unit, with a focus on safeguarding consumers rights and resolving complaints that arise from dealings with Financial Institutions and Licensed Insurance Companies. Sanadak will assume all consumer complaint-handling duties previously carried out by the Central Bank of the UAE’s Consumer Protection Department and Insurance Dispute Resolution Committee.

Sanadak’s office is located on the ground floor of the Emirates Institute of Finance building in Abu Dhabi.

Office hours:

from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday to Thursday, and𠊏rom 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM on Friday. If you have any enquiries about Sanadak, please contact Sanadak via e-mail:, or visit
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