Loan on Card
1. What is a 'Loan on Card' facility on my Credit Card?
2. Am I eligible for “Loan on Card”
3. What is the maximum 'Loan on Card' service that I can avail?
4. What are the tenure options available for 'Loan on Card' facility on a Credit Card?
5. What is the applicable interest rate to avail 'Loan on Card' facility?
6. What is the timeframe to process a Loan on card request?
7. Are there any fees charged for the 'Loan on Card' facility?
8. Will I be eligible for reward points when I apply for the 'Loan on Card' facility?
9. Once I avail the 'Loan on Card' facility, will my available balance increase corresponding to the payments I make towards my installments?
10. How is the monthly EMI calculated with the 'Loan on Card' option?
11. Can I cancel my existing 'Loan on Card' plan on my Credit Card, and if yes, will I be charged?
12. What will happen to the 'Loan on Card' plan if I prepay the full loan amount before my tenure ends?
13. What happens if I fail to make payments towards my existing 'Loan on Card' plan?
14. What happens if I close my credit card while a 'Loan on Card' plan exists?
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